Cedar Park at a Glance
2021 Year in Review
Cedar Park by the numbers
*Source: City of Cedar Park Development Services Department
**Source: Applied Geographic Solutions
***Source: Williamson and Travis Central Appraisal Districts
Smart money

*All percentages are approximate and rounded. Exact percentages vary according to which school district and county within Cedar Park the property is located.
What our residents say
“It’s definitely HOME.
I love the community, the restaurants/stores & that it is family oriented! We truly love raising our children in CP.”
“Close enough to Austin, but enough things to keep you busy/full to not have to go there if you don’t want to.”
“There’s nothing not to like, best place ever
“Been here for 30 years and even with the growth it still has its suburban feel. When I tell people I’m from CP they always reply, “ Oh CP is so pretty and clean.”